Das Wesentliche is the core of an object, a feeling, a situation. This is its very essence, reduced to its purest form – the “soul”. The exterior may change, but das Wesentliche stays untouched.
Das Wesentliche is a profound german expression that has many layers. It is necessary to look the term up in a dictionary to get a feel for its meaning.
Applied to design language, das Wesentliche means to eliminate all distractions and to concentrate on the essentials.
In continuous text, it is written:
Leica. Das Wesentliche.


Leica Logo
Size: ø 30 mm, colour: Leica Camera Red (spot colour)
Font: Corporate S BQ bold, caps, font size: 39.9 pt, line spacing: 48 pt, tracking: 15, colour: black. Position: visually centered at a horizontal distance of 10 mm from the Leica logo
Distance between
logo and claim
The distance between the Leica logo and the text is equivalent to 1/3 of the logo diameter; at a logo diameter of 30 mm, this corresponds to: 10 mm
The layout with a Leica logo diameter of 30 mm is shown here. A branding element created in this way can be scaled proportionally.
Freedom of Space

The free space around the logo-claim combination is always 1/2 H.
In case of very small formats, the free space can be reduced to 1/4 H.
H = height of the Leica dot.
Guidelines on language and tone of voice can be found in the chapter "Corporate Wording"